April Showers - Already Here

It’s been raining now for two days in NJ and I expect we will get much more before May comes. The wind last night was so intense that I could hear my windows rattle throughout the night. I was thinking that a tree might come down with one of the gusts that sounded like it was 60mph. It ended up that only a few branes fell…

Last week when I went to Longwood Gardens I photographed some Cineraria and wanted to share them here. Cineraria is part of the Aster family, Longwood, has a hybridized blue strain that they have been displaying annually in their Conservatory since 1912. I adore any daisy type flower. I also like Osteospermum aka African Daisy with their bright color palette.

Below are some of the colorful blooms that I photographed during my visit to Longwood. All photographed with my Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds Digital Camera and the Voigtlander 42.5 Macro lens with an f/0.95. Handheld, manual mode, manual focus, natural light. I kept the first bloom a bit dark when processing as I preferred the darker blue tone.
