Finishing Up in Death Valley

I just finished up with my Death Valley group. I had another really nice group of talented photographers. I sound like a broken record but they really were a very nice group. The weather worked out well for us and we had some amazing opportunities. We didn’t have any government closings this year but the park had a lot of rain and snowfall which left some roads impassable. It also left conditions at Badwater Basin the best I have had. The road to Aguerberry Point was closed and so was Dante’s View. It all worked out as we just went to a few other places inside the park—which were just as beautiful. Death Valley is such a diverse place and just being there is an experience beyond belief!

I spent the day after the group left, shooting at Badwater Basin since there was a lot of water and I wanted a chance to photograph on my own before heading to Zion and Bryce to meet up with a private client. I am so glad I did. I had a lot of fun and some decent light.

Here are a few of my Death Valley shots from this year’s visit. I used my and my Sony Alpha a7R III Mirrorless Digital Camera Sony FE 16-35mm f/2.8 GM Lens and Sony FE 24-105mm f/4, G lens .

Only a couple of spots are left for my Death Valley 2021 trip.