Marigold Blaze

I photographed a few Marigolds at my friend’s garden center the other day and wanted to share them here. I used the sunlight and flower petals to help create the ethereal look that I was after. I shot both using my Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds Digital Camera and my Voigtlander 42.5 Macro lens @ f/0.95. I like the soft-focus effect of using an extreme shallow depth of field. The Voigtlander is a manual focus lens, that suits me fine as I always use manual focus when shooting close up flowers anyway. I also use a slight swaying motion with the lens to help me to get just the area in focus that I am looking for. More about how I create this soft effect can be found in my eBook ‘The Softer Side of Macro Version II”.

These were two totally different varieties of Marigolds with different color variations. Which one do you like better? I have a clear favorite…
