Early morning light
Some of the kittens had green eyes, some blue and some had hazel eyes.
For the first time since I’ve visited the Mara we have had consecutively great photography opportunities with Serval cats — most with kittens. These cats are usually extremely elusive and sighting of them are quite brief. But this was our year for Serval cats. I can’t tell you how thrilling it was to see them. The youngest kittens still had “baby blue” eyes as bright and clear as could be. We saw them with both of my groups and each group had plenty of time to capture some sweet shots.
The adult Serval cats are proficient hunters. One of them caught 10 rats in an afternoon! I have to admit the rats gave me the creeps and watching those precious kittens tearing into them was hard to see. But when they weren’t carrying around the rats they looked so sweet and innocent playing with their siblings.
My favorite sighting was at an old log that the kits used as a den. When one peeked it’s head out of the log my heart melted. I think it was my favorite shot, though I haven’t had time to go through all of my images.