Silhouettes in Bosque

One of my favorite places to photograph is in Bosque del Apache, NM. Bosque is famous for unique skies filled with every color hue imaginable plus lets not forget the birds! Silhouettes are a creative way to make use of low lighting situations like pre-dawn and dusk allowing photographers to take full advantage of those incredible sky colors.

To create a silhouette you need to expose for your background and not your subject. When putting your subject between you and the light source this will render your subject underexposed –almost black depending on the amount of available light. By capturing silhouettes you will be able to extend your time in the field as they require a lower ISO than a regular shot

I will be conducting a workshop there November 23-27, 2020 and I have 2 spots available if you are interested.

In post-processing I adjust the black and white points and juice the colors a bit. I will be going over my post processing steps during my workshop. See some examples below, click on the image for a larger, sharper version.