I have recently learned that my subscription service for my blog has “cleaned” some of my subscribers from my subscribed list. If you are no longer receiving my blog posts in your email or have changed your email address -you will need to resubscribe (on the right hand side of my blog there is a subscription area), sorry, I can’t do it for you.
Then I thought about adding a few “goodies” for those of you that have been loyal subscribers and have taken the time to follow my work and sign up for my blog. So from now on I will be publishing random blog posts that are for subscribers only. Meaning I won’t share links to the published blog post on social media. These blog posts will have tips, techniques, eBook excerpts, or tutorials. I will not be announcing when they will be sent out as they will be completely random. Below is my first subscription bonus blog post.
To create the image above I started with an in-camera motion blur of farm fields. I moved my camera in a horizontal panning motion, using a shutter speed of 1/6 second. The original image below shows the way the image looked straight out of camera. It was captured using my Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark II Mirrorless Micro Four Thirds Digital Camera and M.Zuiko Digital ED 40-150mm f/2.8 PRO Lens .
As you can see the original image lacked contrast so I opened the image in Lightroom and adjusted the white and black points and added some Dehaze and Clarity. If you like the original color palette you could omit this step and just add a little contrast. but I wanted the colors to pop a bit. Then I brought the image into Photoshop and duplicated my layer, next I selected the Transform Tool and selected Warp from the transform menu. I clicked and pulled the left side of the image upward and the other side downward to create the hump. Cropped it to taste, adjusted the temperature and added my white frame. I usually share this Photoshop effect and more during my Palouse workshop which is where this image was captured.
Original capture